Home About IKSC Vision & Mission
Our Vision
To complement engineering education through infusion of Industry knowledge in Product Design; and to help students build skills and competencies required by the manufacturing industry.
Our Mission
Harvest Information and create knowledge for developing skills to provide direction in career for the young engineer.Values
i. Integrityii. 3Cs (Cooperation, Collaboration, Contribution)
iii. Empowerment
iv. Passion
v. Cherish global intellectual capital
Explore Information, transform into knowledge that becomes impart-able skills that help individuals shape their career.What are the overall benefits and/or impacts and to whom?
Individual: Converting man power to mind power. Creating a passionate workforce over good employees. Generating a patriotism in an individual to build India brand as BHARAT.
Organization: Less expenses on training, work ready individuals, Passionate and capable
employee, Opportunity to generate Intellectual Property in terms of Patents and research. Getting
company ready for Industry 4.0
Country: In this process we are confident that our country can give birth to Nobel prize winner in
engineering. Happy, satisfied and successful individuals in a society